Ofroj pune / Angular Developer

Dafina Shala

Do you have bold dreams and an innovative spirit? Do you love the border between development and product? You don't want just another job; you're looking for a place where you can really grow? Look...

Ofroj pune / ReactJS Developer

Dafina Shala

Do you have bold dreams and an innovative spirit? Do you love the border between development and product? You don't want just another job; you're looking for a place where you can really grow? Look...

Ofroj pun / NET Developer

Dafina Shala

Do you have bold dreams and an innovative spirit? Do you love the border between development and product? You don't want just another job; you're looking for a place where you can really grow? Look...

Ofroj pune

Dërguesi i shpalljes

D.P.Z NITI ofron pune per puntore ne pastrimin kimik, preferohet te ket njohuri edhe ne rrobaqepsi, mosha e preferuar 25-35 vjeçe, kushtet e punes jane te mira, orari dhe pagesa sipas marrveshjes. Adresa Mbi Kurriz...

Shes Mercedes Benz 220

Dërguesi i shpalljes

Shes Mercedes Benz 220 paket AMG, viti i prodhimit 2007, regjistrimi i pare eshte me 01/2009, te kaluara 160.000KM, çmimi 10.000€ nuk bej nderrim.

Shes banesen 85m2 kati i -X- / Prishtine

Dërguesi i shpalljes

Shes banesen 85m2 kati i -X- Kuall 2 lagjja Kalabri ne Prishtine. Banesa posedon dy dhoma gjumi, sallon me kuzhin, korrdior, banjo, ballkon, banesa eshte e renovuar dizajanura ne menyren moderne dhe e shes me...

Ofroj pune

Dërguesi i shpalljes

MONUM ofron pune per punetor/e, kamarier/e, shanksit/e, ndihmes/e kuzhine, kushtet e punes jane te mira, te interesuarit te kontkatojn ne numer telfoni, orari dhe pagesa sipas marrveshjes, Adresa Sheshi Isa Boletini ne qender te Mitrovices.

Kerkoj bashkbanuse

Dërguesi i shpalljes

Kerkoj 3 bashkbanuse ne kuader te baneses 56m2 kati i -II- lagjja Ulpian ne Prishtine. Banesa posedon dhome, kuzhin, korridor, banjo, nxemje te qytetit, çmimi sipas marrveshjes.

Shes oren

Dërguesi i shpalljes

Shes oren e dores firma Garmin Vivoactive 4, ora eshte e perdorur, çmimi sipas marrveshjes.