Ofroj pune / Senior iOS Developer Role

Dërguesi i shpalljes

Senior iOS Developer Role Core Skills and Experience: ● Responsible for the design, development, testing, and release processes of iOS applications. ● In-depth knowledge of Objective-C and Swift, with familiarity with the latest iOS versions...

Ofroj pune / Android Developer Role

Dërguesi i shpalljes

Android Developer Role Core Skills and Experience: ● Responsible for the development and testing of applications on the Android platform. ● Proficiency in the Android Studio Developer environment. ● Understanding of object-oriented programming paradigms (e.g.,...

Ofroj pune / Senior Android Developer Role

Dërguesi i shpalljes

Senior Android Developer Role Core Skills and Experience: ● Responsible for the design, development, testing, and release procedures of applications for Google Play. ● In-depth knowledge of the Android Studio Developer environment. ● Understanding of...

Ofroj pune / iOS Developer Role

Dërguesi i shpalljes

iOS Developer Role Core Skills and Experience: ● Responsible for the development and testing of iOS applications. ● Proficient in Objective-C and Swift, with knowledge of the latest iOS versions (iOS 4.3+). ● Familiar with...

Ofroj pune ne shtypshkronje

Dërguesi i shpalljes

ShtypShkronja NITI ofron pune per punetor/e te cilet kane pervoj pune ne shtypshkronje, po edhe mundesi te aftesimit punetor i thjesht, perparsi kan punetoret te cilet kan pervoj pune, orari dhe pagesa sipas marrveshjes. Te...

Ofroj pune / free shop

Dërguesi i shpalljes

FREESHOP F&F ofron pune per nje punetore/femer, kushtet e punes jane te mira, orari i punes dhe pagesa sipas marrveshjes, te interesuarat per me shum informta rreth punes te konatktojne ne numer telfoni, Adresa lagjja...

Ofroj pune paga 600€ - 900€

Dërguesi i shpalljes

EURODOOR ofron pune per punetor: - Monter per dyer te garazhes, - Perparsi te ket pervoja e punes se paku 2 vite, - Pagesa 600€ deri ne 900€, - Te interesuarit per me shume informacione...